Reopening Safety Plan



On Wednesday, April 7 the Safety and Reopening Committee met to discuss next steps in COVID safety and protocols. On Sunday, April 24the mask mandate will be lifted for THOSE FULLY VACCINATED. We hope that everyone will use good judgment and continue to respect those who prefer to keep their masks on and practice social distancing. We will still provide hand sanitizer at the entrances and a mask upon request. We encourage you to stay home when feeling ill and to join us for service on one of our on-line formats. We have appreciated your support during this challenging time.

The Safety and Reopening Committee



Current information from the CDC shows that the Delta Variant of the Coronavirus is on the rise and Riverside County is no exception. Until further notice, we will continue to ask that ALL people coming into church wear masks. We know that many of you are vaccinated, but reports are showing that even vaccinated folks are getting COVID. Our goal is to keep us as safe as possible while still allowing us to gather for worship. We will continue to offer masks and hand sanitizer at the door, and collect the offering in a basket placed in the center aisle. This has not been an easy discussion, but we feel it is the best one for FCC at this time. Thank you for your support and your understanding.


Masks will continue to be worn by everyone while in the building (including children). If you don’t have one, one will be provided. You may enter through either the north or south doors where there will be hand sanitizer if you choose. Observe social distancing when entering and exiting the building, while seated, and at coffee hour.

There will be programs available on tables at both entrances


You may use either outside or center aisles to enter the sanctuary and sit in designated areas.

“Family” units may sit together. Sit at least 6 feet apart from others not in your “family” unit.


The service will continue to be available on Facebook, YouTube and the church website.
On Communion Sundays the elements will be in self-serve packets to be picked up on your way into the sanctuary


Offering may be placed in the basket in the center aisle, mailed to the church office, or paid on-line.

Please exit the church as soon as the service is over and be mindful of the social distancing protocol and keep your distance while exiting. If you want to visit, we ask that you do so outside the church.


  • Only liquids will be served. Coffee will be poured by one server. Individual cream and sugar packets will be available. Juice and water will be available.
  • While waiting to be served, please observe social distancing
  • Once you have your drink, move to the open area at the bottom of the steps or the grass.

The restrooms will be available. Please follow the social distance protocol and don’t gather in the hallways or entrances to the restrooms.